Brand Guide Document
These guidelines are designed to give you an overview of our brand’s style. Our look and feel is anchored by our logo and Reticle symbol, and strongly supported by our signature fonts and colors.
We hope that the explanation of the inspiration behind the brand and the implementation specifics provided will help you build consistency and impact through all of your creative executions.
We have also included do’s and don’ts to provide useful guidance for implementing our visual style, as well as visual examples to inspire creativity and help you explore the Acumed look and feel in real-world context!
For most applications, we use the two-color logo. If this is not possible, use the black logo. If the media is a single color or the black logo can’t be used, the logo can appear in cyan.
In certain instances the logo can be reversed out of black or cyan in white. For internal communications representing the merger of Acumed and OsteoMed, use the combined logos.
For more information about logo usage please download the Acumed Brand Guide.
To download a logo graphic file, right click on a JPG, PNG, or EPS link and choose "Save as..."
Preferred Acumed Two-Color Logo

Other Logo Variations

Bright, bold, light, and energetic colors help differentiate the Acumed brand. Large white spaces elevate the products and the moments that Acumed helps create.
The Acumed palette is bold and bright. With Cerulean as the primary color, our visuals have a refreshing look and feel. We use the gold and gray only as accents, with many gray tints available for varying visual purposes. Cool Gray 11 is used as our main tint to support visual lightness. When using the Acumed gold, it should not make up more than 5% of a design.
The Secondary palette may be used in small amounts when color coding value charts and creating callouts.
For more information about color usage, please download the Acumed Brand Guide.

Cyan: Pantone 2995 CP
C-87 M-1 Y-0 K-0
R-0 G-179 B-239
Hex: #00b2ee

Gold Tips: Pantone 7409 CP
C-0 M-33 Y-98 K-0
R-252 G-179 B-28
Hex: #fcb21b

Pantone Cool Gray 11 CP
C-44 M-34 Y-22 K-77
R-52 G-55 B-65
Hex: #343741

Typography & Fonts
Bright, bold, light, and energetic colors help differentiate the Acumed brand. Large white spaces elevate the products and the moments that Acumed helps create.
We have both serif and sans serif fonts that uniquely shape Acumed written communications. For company business documents and labeling needs, use Proxima Nova Regular.
For advertising and marketing needs, use Slab Sanchez for headlines and Proxima Nova Light for body copy. If font size goes below 10pt, Proxima Nova Regular is preferred.
The headline/copy ratio should be between 40-50%. This means that if the body copy is set at 10pts, the headline size should be 18-20 pts.
For more information about font usage please see pages 14-16 of the Acumed Brand Guide
Primary Fonts
For company business documents and labeling needs, use Proxima Nova Regular. For advertising and marketing needs, use Slab Sanchez for headlines and Proxima Nova Light for body copy.

Secondary Fonts
For company business documents and labeling needs, use Proxima Nova Regular. For advertising and marketing needs, use Slab Sanchez for headlines and Proxima Nova Light for body copy.

Videoconference Backgrounds
Microsoft Teams: Save images to these location and then they can be selected:
- PC: Save on your computer and choose as a background.
- Mac: HD/Users/ Your.User.Name /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Backgrounds/Uploads (click here for full instructions)
Zoom: Save on your computer and choose as a background.
Click on any of the images below to view, and then in your web browser, right-click the large image and choose "save as" to save it to your device.
Wallpaper for Mobile Devices

LinkedIn Banners
Additional Information
Other aspects of our brand:
Acumed photography is natural with subjects that display vitality and life, visually showcasing impact that surgeons and hospitals could have on people's lives if leveraging Acumed products.
Smooth, silky shading and depth create the natural environment for our products. This allows our audiences to visualize the product in an OR setting, clean and sterling, ready to do its healing work.
Acumed messaging is all about the human emotion - the feelings, needs, and hopes of our audiences. Technical terminology will never go away, we are simply expanding our messaging to include a more personal tone.
Letterhead, Fax, Memo, and a PowerPoint template are available for you to download and use. These templates were customized to highlight your content while supporting the visual style of Acumed.
Business Cards
Acumed Employee Business Cards are available through DocuMart. Please take a look at the ordering instructions.
Postcards are available through Stevens Printing.
Acumed advertises products in a variety of scientific journals and trade magazines. Check out our most recent print advertisements found in JBJS, JOT, FAS, and more!
Acumed has a strong presence at various tradeshows around the world. Take a look at where we'll be next!
Please use the new email signature. For the body font of your email please use Arial 10 pt. There are also instructions to help you learn how to change your Outlook email signature. The combined logo image for use in email signatures can also be downloaded here.
The Acumed personas were developed from a qualitative research study, in which the researcher interviewed orthopaedic surgeons and hospital buyers in the US, Canada, France, Brazil, and China. Please email the Marketing Communications department to request a PDF copy of this document.
Product Naming
These guidelines define the components and processes for naming Acumed’s products, and includes examples of how names for different types of products should be composed. Please email the Marketing Communications department to request a PDF copy of this document.
Merchandise Vendor
3-Point Brand Management is a Portland-based company, and is our preferred vendor for Acumed-branded items such as apparel, office supplies, drinkware, and more. Acumed employees need a Purchase Order to buy from this site.